The details here are for unit one of our Fiction Writing Certificate course. For details on all units, please visit the course page.
Pre-course preparation
A reading pack of PDFs will be sent to you prior to the course. For How-to reading, Francine Prose’s Reading Like a Writer is a great place to start, if you wish. You can submit 500 words from a work-in-progress to Laura for feedback during your individual tutorial.
What students need to bring
Your usual writing equipment, notebook and pen, and/or laptop.
Saturday 1 March
10.00am - Morning classes start
11.15am - Tea/coffee break
11.30am - Morning classes continue
1.30pm - Lunch
2.30pm - Time for writing and tutorials
4.45pm - Class wrap-up
5.00pm - Classes finish
Sunday 2 March
10.00am - Morning classes start
11.15am - Tea/coffee break
11.30am - Morning classes continue
1.30pm - Lunch
2.30pm - Time for writing and tutorials
4.45pm - Class wrap-up
5.00pm - Classes finish