The West Dean Estate

The Estate includes West Dean College and West Dean Gardens, is situated a few miles north of Chichester on the western South Downs, covers an area of 6,400 acres and sits entirely within the South Downs National Park.

The majority of the Estate lies to the north and west of West Dean village. Its southerly boundary falls largely between two prominent hills which both overlook Chichester and the coastal plain: Bow Hill (incorporating National Nature Reserve and ancient yew forest, Kingley Vale) and St Roche's Hill (incorporating an Iron Age hill fort, the Trundle). Its northern boundary stretches to Treyford Hill and the South Downs escarpment. The hills on the Estate are rounded with steep slopes and are made up of middle and upper chalk interspersed with patches of clay with flints.

Two major valleys run through it, the now dry Chilgrove valley and the winterbourne Lavant valley. 


The Estate contains a variety of habitats. Houses, barns, workshops, studios, sheds, gardens and Park walls, church and churchyard all provide urban habitat. Freshwater habitat varies during the year since the River Lavant, which flows through West Dean, is a winterbourne, typically flowing during the winter months only and drying out each summer. A few small ponds dotted around the Estate and a relatively new wildlife pond within West Dean Gardens provide year-round freshwater habitat. Woodland habitat is varied, with scrub, coppice, coppice-with standards, yew, yew and ash woodlands, mixed broadleaf and conifer, pure conifer and high forest beech all occurring.

Although many of the plantations are of even age as a consequence of re-establishment after the 1987 and 1990 storms, the Estate, taken as a whole, provides trees of a range of ages and, consequently, a range of habitats. Hedgerows, shelterbelts, ornamental clumps, parkland trees and specimen trees in the Gardens and Arboretum complement the larger commercial plantations whilst old watered meadows, chalk downland, chalk heath, grassy road verges, improved pastures, and fields of arable crops provide further variety of habitat.

The diversity of West Dean's flora is reflected in its richness, in its fungi and flowering plants, particularly orchids, lichens, bryophytes and ferns. The Estate supports a large invertebrate population, including flies, grasshoppers and bees. Many species of mammals, small birds, and raptors also occur, including dormice, bats, water voles, hawfinch, ravens, barn owls, buzzards, and red kites. 


Woodland habitat on the Estate varies within 800 hectares (2,000 acres). There is coppice, yew woodland, mixed broadleaf and conifer, pure conifer, high forest beech and traditional orchard, all providing different environments. 

The Estate is nationally renowned for its continuous cover forestry practices, which fulfil the need to protect the landscape's views and preserve habitats while also harvesting woodland for commercial purposes. This is largely achieved by thinning the woodland and allowing scrub to rot back into the ground to maintain soil quality and nutrition, especially on chalky ground where this is naturally poor. 

The 1987 and 1990 storms had a catastrophic effect on the Estate, devastating nearly 400 hectares (1,000 acres) of productive woodland. We replanted several million trees, and in certain areas, broadleaf natural regeneration has been encouraged. This reforestation was wholly funded by the sale of windblown material and Forestry Commission grant aid. 

Ash dieback is rife across the South East, and West Dean is badly affected. We are taking proactive measures to deal with it sensitively and effectively and work is already underway across the Estate. 


The Estate's Parkland was restored following the 1987 and 1990 storms and whilst naturally more open, provides an important environment for wildlife. The Parkland also includes Lowland Meadows located within its Gardens and on the shallow slopes below Singleton Hill plantation, the arboretum and Weald and Downland Living Museum. 

Chalk grassland

Chalk Grassland is an endangered habitat and iconic of the South Downs. Chalk Grassland is a rare habitat, which is evident at the Devil's Jumps, on the north side of the Estate, leased and managed by the Murray Downland Trust. Grassland can also be found on the steep slopes at Millpond Bottom and the northern escarpment of Treyford Hill and Hooksway. 

Freshwater & ponds

Freshwater habitat varies during the year since the River Lavant which flows through West Dean is a winterbourne, typically flowing during the winter months only and drying out each summer.

Standing water habitats also exist within the Estate, with joint funding from the Edward James Foundation and the South Downs National Park, a new pond was created in 2024 at Stapleash Down.


When visiting the Estate, we ask that dogs are kept on lead and that you remain on public rights of way.

Please note, flying drones and UAVs at West Dean is prohibited.

Volunteering opportunities

Volunteer with Sussex Wildlife Trust at West Dean

Join Sussex Wildlife Trust in supporting the management of West Dean’s traditional woodland coppice. This rewarding volunteering opportunity allows you to contribute to vital woodland conservation efforts, learn about traditional coppicing techniques, and help sustain local biodiversity. Volunteering is a fantastic way to connect with nature, develop new skills, and make a real difference to the environment.

To find out more and apply, visit the Sussex Wildlife Trust website here.

Biomass district heating

All of the heating and hot water needs of West Dean College (and parts of the village) are met entirely and on a sustained basis by the wood fuel grown on the West Dean Estate. The biomass district heating scheme was one of the first and remains one of the largest of its kind in the UK.

Demand at the College for heating and domestic hot water is high, around 2.5 million kilowatt hours per year. In the early 1970s, when the College was being developed, the heating came from 50-year-old coke-fired boilers, which had been converted to oil in the late 1950s. These were extremely wasteful, operating at about 40-45% efficiency. Periodic flooding in the boiler house from groundwater was also potentially hazardous, as the boiler was located within the house complex. By the late 1970s, electric night storage heaters had to make up for the heating deficit, and it soon became clear that this highly inefficient system would not cope with the increasing demands of student accommodation and the growth of the College.

The Trustees commissioned a survey into new heating systems and all forms of fuel were considered. Wood fuel was the most viable possible alternative. It was estimated that to heat and provide domestic hot water for West Dean College would need approximately 1,000 tonnes of wood fuel per annum, and a study confirmed that this annual yield could be sustained. The Estate has 2,000 acres of woodland.

Advantages of using wood as a fuel source

Wood is a renewable and sustainable source of energy. Trees grow using the energy of the sun to fix carbon from the atmosphere. The woods have a sustainable yield of timber which can be harvested indefinitely without depleting the resource in any way.

  • It is virtually carbon-neutral
  • It is a clean and safe fuel
  • It benefits woodland management
  • It benefits the local economy

The plant processes 1,200 tonnes of chips per year. The chipyard can be used to store nearly two months' supply of fuel wood should this be required, although the current practice is to have a year's supply stacked, drying naturally, in strategic locations throughout the Estate.

The underground mains feed not only the College, five large student residences, 6,000 square feet of new teaching and exhibition space but also the glasshouses in the walled Kitchen Garden, nine Estate houses, the Gardens Visitor Centre, an outdoor swimming pool, and even the village church, said to be the warmest church in the south of England!

After 27 years of successful operation, the Foundation has replaced one of the two biomass boilers with a modern state-of-the-art boiler having an output capacity of 1,200 kilowatts and an efficiency rating of 92%. The Department of Energy and Climate Change provided a valuable grant towards the capital works.

Edward James died only three years after the wood-fuelled district heating scheme was commissioned, but the project echoes the spirit of the man and his far-sighted vision: an ecologically sound and sustainable concept, contributing to the caring stewardship of his beloved woods and trees and thoughtful use of the Estate's natural resources.

Walks Around The Estate

A good network of public footpaths and bridleways makes the West Dean estate an inviting prospect for those who enjoy exploring on foot. The below booklet contains six walks to give you some ideas. One route is also suitable for exploration by cyclists and horse riders.

Estate Walks

Properties To Let

There are almost 150 houses on the West Dean Estate. The majority are located in and around West Dean village, with smaller numbers in the outlying hamlets of Binderton and Chilgrove and some more isolated properties spread throughout the remainder of the Estate.

For more information, please contact:

Tod Anstee Ltd
Tel: 01243 958800

In addition to the Estate-managed properties, there are 18 additional houses of varying sizes managed by Hastoe Housing Association. For more information and eligibility, please visit Hastoe Housing.

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We are part of a registered charity and rely on the support of generous donors, members and legacies to help us deliver world-class education in conservation, design and the creative arts and maintain our award-winning gardens.

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