Jack Aldridge

Jack Aldridge is a plantsman and horticulturist with a very keen interest in all plants hardy in the temperate world, with woody plants his particular focus. Based at RHS Garden Wisley, he is responsible for Oakwood (formerly the Wild Garden), where his day-to-day remit involves curating the 4.5 acres of woodland garden, while also taking a wider specialist interest in Wisley’s collection of trees and shrubs as a whole. Having been interested in plants from a young age, upon leaving school Jack applied for the prestigious Wisley Diploma course, from which he graduated in 2022 before being taken on full-time. Much of his spare time is spent photographing, reading or writing about woody plants, including articles for publications such as the RHS Plant Review and regular contributions to Trees & Shrubs Online: the International Dendrology Society’s ambitious online encyclopaedia project. He enjoys travelling to visit gardens and plant collections and meeting like-minded enthusiasts. Jack has recently been appointed a trustee for White House Farm in Kent, the arboretum and garden of legendary plantsman Maurice Foster, who he considers one of his great mentors and friends. He visits twice monthly, helping to catalogue, label and develop this incredible plant collection.

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