Alexandra Lucas

Alexandra Lucas studied Textile Design at Central Saint Martins and now runs her own weaving practice in North East London.

She has taught at Make Town, YiCrafts, The Buckinghamshire Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, and the National Festival of Making in Blackburn. Her work has been displayed collaboratively at Selfridges, Adidas and the Barbican.

Describe your approach to teaching
I weave tapestries and rugs on an ancient backstrap loom which is strapped onto my body. I want my students to learn through hands-on experience and leave the class empowered to continue their own weaving journey, feeling inspired by the versatility of backstrap weaving.

What inspires your own work?
My work explores nostalgia, be it through abstracting family albums or weaving crisp packets as an ode to my ultimate childhood comfort food. I’m fascinated with the fact that weaving is a practice that connects us all as humans across history and cultures.

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