Agnes Brokerhof
Courses Tutor - Risk Management for Collections Care
Agnes Brokerhof studied Chemistry and Art History at Leiden University (The Netherlands). From 1989 through 1991 she worked at the Australian Museum in Sydney and was a research fellow at CSIRO in Canberra (Australia). After the ICCROM course 'Scientific Principles of Conservation' in Rome (1992) she joined the Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science in Amsterdam as conservation scientist. Subsequently she worked at 'Instituut Collectie Nederland' (ICN) as program manager of 'Collection Risk Management'. Since the merger of ICN into the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) in 2011 she is a senior conservation scientist in its Conservation & Restoration Department based in Amsterdam. Currently her activities focus on teaching, coaching, and applying the developed models for value and risk assessment in collection management.