This course is a practical guide to the art of visual research, supporting you to advance your creative approaches to develop ideas in sketchbooks and make more informed artwork. Learn how to use a range of different drawing processes to explore a given theme, how to analyse your sources to develop your drawings, and use reflection and analysis to conceptualise your process and work.
We will consider how artists use different approaches to drawing in their sketchbooks to experiment with ideas in their work. These include drawing for observation, recording, thinking, experiencing and design. You will then research the subject through a series of drawing exercises. Your tutors will support you to analyse and review your chosen artwork and object, and how to apply that to develop your drawings and ideas.
You will present your findings and work with a plenary session, so that you leave the course with both research skills, developed ideas and steps to take forward after the course that support your independent practice. You can work in your current sketchbook, but, if its less than A4 size, please use a larger book.
By the end of the course, you will have increased your knowledge of your subject, learned how to use sketchbooks to visually research and develop your work, and how to critically reflect and review your ideas in constructive ways.
On this course the college will provide some black sugar paper, tracing paper, a glue stick, white cartridge paper, sketchbook and a dip pen per student, and some Indian ink, charcoal, masking tape and tissue paper to share amongst the group.
What students need to bring
- An image of an artwork of interest to you by a known artist
- Your current and recent sketchbooks
- Your preferred drawing media and tools
- An object no bigger than the palm of your hand
- Sketchbook – minimum size A4 (see above)
- Ink – black or a homemade dark ink
- Brushes for the ink
- Coloured oil pastels
- Black pen
- Soft and harder pencil (e.g. 9B and 2B)
- Pencil sharpener
- Used magazines/newspapers
- 2 small jars with lids
- Optional extras: Spray fixative, white ink/chalk pen
It may be useful to bring a device to do some research online. The media suite will be available for you to use.
Available to buy
Available from shop: A good variety of drawing materials and sketchbooks, including black ink, brushes, oil pastels, black pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, glue sticks, fixative, white ink, etc.
Additional information
Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear (no sandals or open toes).
Arrival day
Residential students can arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm for registration
6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included)
8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential
Daily timetable
Course teaching 9.15am - 5pm (lunch included)
Dinner: from 6.30pm (included for residential students)
Evening working: students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with permission from the tutor and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed
Departure day
Course teaching: 9.15am - 3pm (lunch included)
Residential students will need to check out of rooms by 10am
Please note, the tutor may make slight variations to the daily timetable as required