Stone carving – inspiration from the summer garden with Paula Haughney

Ref: SSS35549

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2 places available

About this course

Find your inspiration from the wonderful West Dean Gardens. Study the fruit, vegetables and plants to design and carve a sculpture from the range of stones available.

Course Description

West Dean in the summer gives you a great opportunity to explore the greenhouses, plus the fruit and vegetable gardens. The August abundance is full of colour, vibrancy and interesting shapes.

Time will be spent wandering about the kitchen gardens and orchard, armed with sketchbooks and modelling material, seeking that form or detail that stands out and catches the eye. This will be the foundation that builds the design for your sculpture.

There will be a variety of stones to choose, from cut limestone blocks to more natural rock shapes in soapstone and alabaster. Though there is a wide selection, there might not be the exact fit, so be prepared to alter your design. Colours vary from cream, white, greens and browns and shades in between, and stones vary from soft to hard.

The course is for all abilities and will be tailored to individual needs and experience. Starting with an induction in the health and safety issues concerned with stone carving. There will then be an explanation of the different types of stone, mainly sedimentary and metamorphic, that are used for stone sculpture. Within the sculpture courtyard, there is a great geological display cupboard that illustrates this.

Safety glasses/ goggles and dust masks are provided by the college, along with the use of tools and equipment.

Printed information handouts will be available. Also, there are many images and books to peruse.

Group and individual demonstrations on techniques, the use of tools, and stages of carving a sculpture, including polishing, will be given throughout the course. The course uses mainly hand tools, mallets, chisels, files and rasps.

After information/image collecting, there will be a short exercise to familiarise you with tools and techniques associated with stone carving before embarking on your individual project. A bit of thinking and settling in time!

The aim of the course is to look closely at a natural growing form and translate it by carving a rock into a three-dimensional stone sculpture, be it a fruit or vegetable or a close up detail, also to have fun creating in a relaxed studio environment, learning from the tutor and other students.

Summer School highlights: The Summer School week is an immersive learning experience with more time to develop your creativity and embrace opportunities for creative development beyond your chosen course. A detailed timetable for your Summer School week will be given to you on arrival. This will include:

  • Short inspirational talks by tutors and displays of their work
  • A short creative experience session in another discipline/media or course
  • An optional evening at the Chichester Festival Theatre (if pre-booked)
  • An optional lunchtime tour of West Dean Gardens, the historic rooms at West Dean College, or West Dean Tapestry Studio
  • A celebration dinner on the last evening themed on ‘going green’. Feel free to respond to the theme if you wish
  • Informal end-of-course group reviews and displays of students' work in studios

As evening events are planned as part of the Summer School week, dinner is included in the course fee to enable all students, including non-residents, to participate fully.

Course Materials


The College will provide pencils, wax, linseed oil, bably oil, wet and dry paper and plasticine for you to use on the course. Stone used in the course need to be bought individually by you, according to your design and requirements, from the College Craft Shop. All stone carving tools and equipment are provided by the College for you to use during the course.

What students need to bring

  • Sketchbook and drawing materials
  • Something (camera/phone) for recording progress
  • Apron or overalls, hat, gloves to work in or to handle stone (need to fit)
  • Sun cream if working outside or umbrella if forecast shows rain

Available to buy

Available from shop: The Sculpture Courtyard stocks a variety of stones: limestones, alabasters and soapstones ranging from £3 – £6 a kilo. The stones are weighed before carving and paid for in the Craft Shop before the end of the course. The shop also stocks everything for sketching and painting.

Additional information

Please note: your workshop will be in the Sculpture Courtyard which is a 10-minute walk from the main house through the walled garden or can be accessed by car. The Sculpture Courtyard is open on one side so be prepared for any type of weather. Morning coffee and afternoon tea will be held in the nearby Carrington Studio. You will return to the main house for lunch.

Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear (no open toes or sandals). Safety boots if possible. Stone carving is a dusty activity, safety equipment (safety glasses and ear defenders) can be borrowed, masks are provided but you might like to bring fitting gloves to work in. Eye protection and face masks are supplied by the College and are essential. Full health and safety instructions will be given. Stone carving is a physical activity, and it is most effective when standing up but can be achieved sitting down. Possible equipment restrictions in tutor absence.


Timetable for Summer Schools

Several evening events are planned throughout the week, a detailed timetable for the summer schools will be given to you on arrival.

Arrival Day

Residential students to arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm.

6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included).

8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential.

Daily timetable

Classes 9.15 - 5pm, lunch is included.

From 6.30pm: Dinner (included).

Evening working - students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with their tutor's permission and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed.

Last day

Classes 9.15am - 3pm, lunch is included.

Residential students should vacate their rooms by 10am please.

General Information


Paula Haughney portrait

Paula Haughney

Paula Haughney,sculptor, stone-carver, maker and teacher studied at Portsmouth Polytechnic and Eastern Illinois university obtaining a BA and MA in Fine Art Sculpture. Stone carving came later, once found, she realised this was her chosen medium. Now having over 30 years experience and many monumental sculptures completed she has taught at all levels, exhibits regularly and is included in public collections worldwide.


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

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