This practical course is suitable for all levels beginner to advanced, as much of the tuition is on an individual basis. Beginners will gain an understanding of the basic principles of good formal writing while learning and using basic italic. Those with more experience can work through tutor-led exercises to encourage rhythm and flow in italic, and lead on to flourish design and use, and explore a wide range of italic variations, particularly with joined italic. Various forms of italic capitals are a further option.
Beginners will learn how to use a broad-edged pen with confidence and gain some understanding of the potential uses and development of the new skills. Those with more experience will develop rhythm and flow in their calligraphy, improve their skill and expand their repertoire.
Beginners will achieve a basic competence in writing italic and how to lay out a text to produce a finished quotation. Ink and colour in the pen will be covered and making simple pastel backgrounds.
More experienced participants will cover new ground and use scripts in finished texts. There will be frequent tutor demonstrations on a one-to-one basis, and group demonstrations as required. Progressive exercises will be suited to everyones understanding and skill starting point.
A3 smooth surface cartridge paper, 60-70 lb
What students need to bring
- any tools or materials listed in the available to buy section, if you already have them or can easily obtain them, Please bring them
- Source A few short quotations you may like to try writing out
- Tissues
- Apron to protect your clothes (optional)
Available to buy
Available from shop:
The following are usually available subject to availability:
Mitchell square-cut roundhand nib size 2, sizes 2.5, 3, 3.5 – optional (left-oblique 2 nib, if left-handed)
Slippon reservoir and penholder
Pelikan 4001 black ink, or black gouache paint (as an alternative)
HB pencil, ruler, Pritt Stick glue stick, scissors
If you wish to write in colour:-
A tube of Winsor & Newton designer’s gouache (series 1 or 2 are suitable) - the following colours flow well in the pen: turquoise, ultramarine, lemon yellow, spectrum red, alizarin crimson, permanent white and lamp black
Small mixing palette with compartments
A cheap mixing brush
Available from tutor:
Spare nibs, reservoirs, penholders to borrow
Additional information
Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear (no sandals or open toes).
Arrival day
Residential students can arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm for registration
6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included)
8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential
Daily timetable
Course teaching 9.15am - 5pm (lunch included)
Dinner: from 6.30pm (included for residential students)
Evening working: students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with permission from the tutor and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed
Departure day
Course teaching: 9.15am - 3pm (lunch included)
Residential students will need to check out of rooms by 10am
Please note, the tutor may make slight variations to the daily timetable as required