Making ceramic glazes from found materials with Miranda Forrest

Ref: S5D36569

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About this course

Process and test found materials local to West Dean College, or from your own locality, to produce and understand the fundamentals of how a glaze is made.

Course Description

Explore the possibilities for making glazes from found materials. The aim is to give you the ability to find your own personal glazes from any locality through the practical knowledge gained when we look for and experiment with materials local to the College or those you bring from your own area. You will learn how to procces collected materials.

The emphasis will be on empirical learning. The course will begin with explaining the fundamental materials that make a glaze and test firing them. The results will give a visual understanding of glaze making that will be built on through further experimentation. Most experiments are fired in electric kilns but we will fire the gas kiln in the middle of the week to discern the effects that different kiln atmospheres have on glazes. Some finished work can be fired in both the electric and gas kilns if you bring biscuit-fired ware (if space allows).

Historically, all glazes were made with locally collected materials. We will: • Experiment with only using local materials to make glazes • Mix found and purchased material, as sometimes a necessary ingredient is unavailable locally or too arduous to process! • Personalise a base glaze with a found material

If you want to make earthenware glazes, then a base earthenware glaze can also be personalised. If you have a favourite glaze that you use, bring some with you for experimenting with.

Collecting and processing materials will form part of the course, although, owing to the natural cycle of plants and the need for them to be thoroughly dried before burning, some preparation may already have been done. Also covered will be: a talk on the tutor's own work practices, including the perils of shells and seaweed; the work of other potters who use natural glazes; question and answer sessions.

The week will end with an assessment of the results of glazes, and a discussion on the ways forward for your own work.

Anyone who wants to bring some of their own local materials, like quarry dust, dug clay or plant ashes, and biscuit fired ware of the clay they normally use for experiments, is encouraged to do so. Materials are supplied if it is impractical for you to bring any of your own work or samples. The course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to find your own unique glaze recipes when you return home.

Course Materials


Any clay, glaze materials or firing costs as used at the College.

What students need to bring

  • Any personal tools you like to use, such as silicone spoons/scrapers, whisks. (West Dean has a range of studio hand tools including loop tools, brushes for applying glazes (synthetic/bristle are suitable, not good quality), synthetic sponges, cup measure sets, digital scales, domestic sieves, 60 mesh sieves.)
  • Overall/apron, covered footwear in the studio, plus outdoor clothing and footwear suitable for walking over rough ground when collecting materials Items listed below would be useful if you wish to bring them:
  • Notebook
  • Biscuit-fired test pieces in the clay you normally use. Approximately 50. (A saucer shape approximately 5cm (2 inches) made in any way). As natural glaze tests often run, a saucer shape is necessary to save kiln shelves. It's important that you number and initial test pieces prior to firing.
  • If you wish to bring larger pieces for a final firing, please ensure that these are also bowl/saucer shaped, up to approximately 20cm (8 inches). Please also number and initial.
  • Raw Materials: If you have a favourite or abundant plant, please bring a dry sample, or preferably burn it and bring the ash.
  • If you have a local quarry, you could ask them for a sample of fine particles. In the tutor's experience, quarry workers are often interested and helpful but a little bemused by a request for dust.
  • Deposits of fine rock particles or clay are also worth collecting.
  • You are also encouraged to bring any examples of natural glazes you use. Also, if you have a base glaze (plain glaze, purchased or your own recipe) you like using, bring a raw sample to add found materials to (500ml to 1 litre liquid, or dry equivalent).
  • Approximately 20+ yoghurt pot type containers, plus lids, to enable you to take home leftover raw glaze material.

Available to buy

Available from shop: Pottery tools, pottery knife. Notebooks, rough paper or sketch pad, and pencil Natural sponge Pencils for marking the base of your pots

Additional information

Please email your tutor via: [email protected] prior to the start of your course in order to discuss amounts and preparation of any materials you would like to bring.

Please note: if any work is left, once your work has been glazed and re-fired, it must be collected within six months.

Course reading: it is not required that you read any books before the course but, if you are bringing your own materials, you may like to read the relevant chapters on preparation, including Health and Safety, in Natural Glazes Collecting and Making.

Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear (no sandals or open toes).


Arrival day
Residential students can arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm for registration
6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included)
8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential

Daily timetable
Course teaching 9.15am - 5pm (lunch included)
Dinner: from 6.30pm (included for residential students)
Evening working: students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with permission from the tutor and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed

Departure day
Course teaching: 9.15am - 3pm (lunch included)
Residential students will need to check out of rooms by 10am

Please note, the tutor may make slight variations to the daily timetable as required

General Information


Miranda Forrest

Miranda Forrest has been a potter all her working life. When she moved to South Uist, Outer Hebrides in 1999 she started to explore incorporating locally found materials in her work. This became the subject of her book Natural Glazes: Collecting and Making, published by Bloomsbury in 2013.


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

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