You will be guided through a variety of appliqué techniques and encouraged to use them as a starting point for a creative form of drawing. You will also explore a range of embroidery stitches, including satin, running, seed, cross-stitch, and couching. The course will offer exciting opportunities to incorporate found objects and personal ephemera into your embroidery. For example, Jessie will show you how a pearl button can become the center of a flower or how a piece of blue silk ribbon can add detail to a richly stitched sky.
At the beginning of the course, Jessie will introduce a selection of her original artworks, providing both group and individual guidance as you embark on your own stitching journey. Whether you choose to create a stitched story or a simple drawing, you will be encouraged to approach this three-day course as a peaceful and exploratory experience.
The course will not necessarily focus on creating a finished piece, but rather on the process of slow-stitching, inspired by Jessies artworks and the materials at hand. If you wish, you can focus on making a creative stitch samplerthis can help release your imagination and spark fresh ideas for future stitching projects.
You will work directly onto a piece of natural fabric, which will be provided in your kit at the start of the course. This kit also contains a selection of pre-cut fabric motifs, designed by Jessie, ready for appliqué. You will also receive a printed stitch guide to take home for future reference.
If you choose to work with a more personal base fabric, Jessie suggests vintage tablecloths, linen napkins, or even an old garment. These materials can be unpicked and pieced back together, offering a unique canvas for your stitching. If you have a special item that belonged to a loved one, this can add a deeply personal touch to your work. Jessie recommends using fabrics made from natural fibers (cotton, linen, or silk), as they are easier to embellish with stitches.
And finally, please take note, Jessies suggested materials list, and gather together a few items of personal inspiration in advance of your class. You will be provided with a handcrafted kit at the start of your masterclass, which includes the use of your tutors specialist embroidery threads. However, to ensure you as the maker can create your own story, please also bring items on the list below.
This workshop focuses on Jessies signature style of hand embroidered illustration. Under her guidance, you will be mark making and playing intuitively with a mix of new and vintage threads and a selection of new and time worn fabrics.
You will be provided with a handcrafted kit at the start of your course, which includes the use of your tutor’s specialist embroidery threads.
What students need to bring
- An assortment of your favourite embroidery threads
- An assortment of your favourite fabric scraps
- A cherished vintage piece of plain linen/cotton, if you would like to work with a more personal base fabric – vintage tablecloths, tray cloths, hankies and linen napkins are all perfect material
- Other items of personal interest, such as old charms, buttons, vintage lace and ribbons, small keys etc, all of which can be stitched into your work
- A favourite drawing, poem, quote or perhaps just a single word (for inspiration)
- Anything you are currently working on that you’d like to show me and share with your class
Additional information
Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio. This includes stout covered footwear, i.e. no open-toes or sandals, and safety boots, if specified.
Arrival day
Residential students can arrive from 4pm, non-residential students to arrive by 6.45pm for registration
6.45pm: Welcome, followed by dinner (included)
8 - 9pm: First teaching session, attendance is essential
Daily timetable
Course teaching 9.15am - 5pm (lunch included)
Dinner: from 6.30pm (included for residential students)
Evening working: students may have access to workshops until 9pm, but only with permission from the tutor and provided any health and safety guidelines are observed
Departure day
Course teaching: 9.15am - 3pm (lunch included)
Residential students will need to check out of rooms by 10am
Please note, the tutor may make slight variations to the daily timetable as required