Writing your family history with Joanna Moorhead

Ref: S1D33453

Location: West Dean
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Places available

About this course

Researching the life of a relative can be absorbing and immensely enjoyable, as can piecing it together into a book. Learn how to research, follow a narrative and organise material.

Course Description

Is there a fascinating character or story buried in your family history? Researching the life of a relative, possibly one from several generations ago, can be absorbing and immensely enjoyable, as can piecing it together into a book, film or on tape.

You should already have an idea for a family story you would like to tell and during the day will learn how to research, how to follow a narrative, and how to organise material into the format of your choice. Joanna has herself spent the last eight years researching a story from her own family history.

Course Materials

What students need to bring

  • Any material relevant to your chosen family story/subject matter
  • Laptop (optional/if you have one)
  • Notebook, pencil, pen

Available to buy

  • Available from shop:
  • Notebooks/pens/pencils

Additional information

You may also access the PC’s in the College’s computer suite, if required


Timetable for one day courses

Students should arrive by 9am for registration.

Classes are from 9.15 - 5pm

Lunch is included.

General Information


Joanna Moorhead

Joanna Moorhead is an award-winning freelance journalist who writes regularly for The Guardian, The Times, YOU magazine, Good Housekeeping, Easy Living, Mumsnet and BBC websites. She has been part of the BBC news team covering Papal elections and has edited The Guardian's women and health pages.

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