Understanding Book Bindings

Ref: L1D34295

Location: London
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About this course

Through demonstrations, power points and practical sessions you will learn how to identify\~structural features\~in handmade books as well understanding materials' degradation and the importance of safe handling. You will learn basic damage and binding features terminology and how to use it, gaining the foundation of condition assessment.\lang9

Course Description

This training day is aimed at librarians, archivists, volunteers, and anyone working with collections of historic bindings who would like to understand more about the books that they handle. Participants will have an opportunity to learn, leaving aside decoration and the printed word, how to identify structural features in handmade books. Using a series of models and hand-made bookbindings, the tutors will help you understand those features and how to look at antique books beyond their content and their immediate external appearance. You will learn the foundation of condition assessing and how to use basic damage and binding features terminology.  The tutors will guide you through the most common modern binding styles, concentrating on the materials and techniques used in their construction and the various reasons why they might degrade.  The day will conclude with a session on safe handling and the use of various devises to help minimise the risks of mechanical damage.


Timetable for one day courses held at the British Library in London.

Students should arrive by 9.30am for registration.

Classes are from 9.30 - 4.30pm.

A working lunch in the Foyle Room is included.

General Information

Courses of interest