Dust & Dirt - Strategies for Prevention & Management with Caroline Bendix

Ref: L1D13625

Location: London

About this course

This training day builds an understanding of what dust is and why its management is important. It explores low-cost methods of monitoring dust and dirt and discusses methods of preventing its build-up. The day includes practical sessions on how to clean books and advice on stack areas. It provides steps to follow when setting up a housekeeping programme and highlights what to think about if you are considering involving volunteers. The training day is led by Caroline Bendix ACR (Independent Conservator) and Karen Bradford (British Library).

Course Description

What is dust and why does it matter?  Monitoring and measuring dust - A case study in progress at the British Library.  Practical measures to prevent dust and dirt.  Cleaning books and documents, shelves and stacks.  Setting up a housekeeping programme and working with volunteers 


Timetable for one day courses held at the British Library in London.

Students should arrive by 9.30am for registration.

Classes are from 9.30 - 4.30pm.

A working lunch in the Foyle Room is included.

General Information


Caroline Bendix - West Dean Tutor

Caroline Bendix

Caroline is an accredited freelance library conservator with 38 years' experience working for major national conservation bodies (many on a continuing consultancy basis), cathedrals, churches, synagogues, learned societies/institutions, museums, historic houses, private collections, universities, municipal collections, schools, the Government, Historic Royal Palaces and independent libraries.

Courses of interest