About this course

This study day is part of our Curious About Conservation series. It aims to give expert insight into how to care for and preserve historic textiles. Textile Conservator Rebecca Bissonnet shares important conservation principles in the morning session, while Art Historian Francesca Herrick leads an insightful tour of key textiles in the V&A's collection in the afternoon.

Course Description

Join textile conservator Rebecca Bissonnet for expert insights into how to care for and preserve historic textiles. Whether you are looking to incorporate historic textiles into an interior scheme, keep family heirlooms looking their best or simply curious about conservation processes, this day will be packed with useful advice. Rebecca will explain important conservation principles, before sharing case studies of her work carried out for the National Trust, Historic Royal Palaces and private clients. Learn about ‘agents of decay’ and pest management to ensure your own treasured textiles are stored or displayed as safely as possible.

In the afternoon session, there will be an inspirational visit to the V&A Museum led by art historian Francesca Herrick, (a short taxi ride to the museum will be arranged). We will explore historical factors that give textiles power and meaning. Highlights will include a stunning state bed, rare tapestries and exceptional embroideries. The course will end at the V&A museum, in South Kensington at 5.15pm.

Who should attend? Anyone interested in textiles, history and conservation

Topics covered: Caring for historic textiles Conservation case studies Agents of decay and pest management Historic textiles in an interior design context The social and cultural meanings of textiles

Course outcomes: Explore key conservation principles Consider practical advice, including how to do a patch support Evaluate conservation versus restoration approaches Develop your knowledge of the main types of historic textiles and their origins

Course Materials


On this course the tutor will supply all of the materials for the morning stitch task. A taxi to the V&A museum is also included.

What students need to bring

  • Pencil notebook and fine
  • fine embroidery scissors
  • Glasses for close work if worn

Additional information

Please wear appropriate clothing/aprons for the workshop or studio, this includes stout covered footwear (no sandals or open toes).


Daily Timetable

Course teaching: 11am–5.15pm
Students arrive: 10.30am-11am (coffee optional)  
Morning teaching: 11am-1pm
Lunch break: 1pm-2pm (lunch is not included)
Afternoon teaching: 2pm-5.15pm (15 minute break, 3.30pm–3.45pm)
Teaching finishes: 5.15pm  

General Information

Short courses are open to anyone aged 18 and over. The course fee covers tuition and materials where stated. You will need to bring all other items listed under the ‘Materials to bring’ section.


Coffee and tea are included in the course fee, but you will need to bring lunch with you to eat in the refreshments room. There are also plenty of other local venues to purchase food.


If you have any specific access needs, we will need to know about your access requirements in advance. Please tell us about your needs in confidence by emailing: [email protected] This venue has steps to the front reception, with limited access via a side gate to the ground floor. There is a small lift to higher floors or stairs.


Short course students are required to sign a safety compliance form as part of West Dean Health and Safety regulations.

Refunds and cancellations

Please refer to our terms & conditions below.


The information given is accurate at the time of publication. However, West Dean College reserves the right to cancel or amend courses if circumstances require.

Terms & Conditions


Francesca Herrick

Francesca Herrick is the module leader in Historical and Critical studies at the KLC School of Design.

Rebecca Bissonnet

After completing an apprenticeship at the Royal School of Needlework, Rebecca went on to study a Master of Art in Textile Conservation, completing her MA in 2003. After graduating Rebecca worked on short term contracts and on a freelance basis for 11 years, working on a variety of objects from 1960s TV puppet, ethnographic and ecclesiastical textile, to costume and Grayson Perry tapestries. Work took her all over the UK and out to the Middle East, and she was also part of the embroidery team who worked on the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress.

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Further study options

Take the next step in your creative practice, with foundation level to Masters in Fine Art study. 

Depending on your experience, start with an Online Foundation Certificate in Art and Design (one year, part-time), a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design made up of 10 short courses taken over two years (part-time) or advance your learning with our BA (Hons) Art and Contemporary Craft: Materials, Making, and Place (six years part-time). All will help you develop core skills, find direction in your practice and build an impressive portfolio in preparation for artist opportunities or higher-level study. See all degree and diploma courses.