Conservation of Tile Roofing with Richard Jordan

Ref: B3D32829

Location: West Dean

About this course

This course covers the history of traditional hand and machine-made plain tiles, pantiles and other forms of fired material used for roofing, but mainly concentrates on their conservation and repair.

The starting point is an understanding of how roofs work and the various different materials used, including regional variations and methods of construction. Modern codes of practice and standards are covered. Practical demonstrations and hands-on work in preparing tiles, pantiles and mortar and their application to roofs, including setting out and recording and dealing with ridges, valleys, eaves etc. The course will be supplemented by practical sessions on surveying old roofs, traditional detailing, writing specifications and finding sources of information.

Course Description

Monday 2 June
4pm-6pm - Register at Reception Desk
6.45pm - Welcome Talk
7pm - Dinner
8pm - Introduction Lecture

Tuesday 3 June
9am - Conservation and understanding tiling: How tiled roofs work; single lap fixed gauge and variable gauge; overs and unders; tegula and imbrex; double lap plain tiles; evolution from vernacular to modern.
Sorting tiles to understand the difference between hand-made and machine-made tiles. Lecture - Regional roof types; materials - types of clays and different styles of clay tiles and formats. Guides and codes of practice etc; British/European standards. Clay tile production. Big production machine-made v hand-made manufacturing.
4.30pm - Recording a vernacular tiled roof
7pm-7.45pm - Dinner

Wednesday 4 June
9am - Setting out for fixed gauge and variable gauge large format clay tiles. Overs and unders, tegulas and imbrex. Hand-made plain tiles v modern machine-made.
Practical - Mortars
4pm-5.30pm - Gauging tiled roofs; battening, setting out a roof for swept laced PMV and lead valleys. Start to tile the rigs using machine-made tiles and/or hand-made tiles.
7pm-7.45pm - Dinner

Thursday 5 June
9am - Tiling the roof using modern and hand-made plain tiles to the four areas to include valleys. Recording the roofs and presenting the findings of the tiled roof recordings.
3.30pm- 4pm - Issue of certificates and depart

Course Materials

What students need to bring

Please remember to bring work clothes/overalls and shoes/boots for practical sessions.


Monday 2 June
4pm-6pm - Register at Reception Desk
6.45pm - Welcome Talk
7pm - Dinner
8pm - Introduction Lecture

Tuesday 3 June
9am - Conservation and understanding tiling: How tiled roofs work; single lap fixed gauge and variable gauge; overs and unders; tegula and imbrex; double lap plain tiles; evolution from vernacular to modern.
Sorting tiles to understand the difference between hand-made and machine-made tiles. Lecture - Regional roof types; materials - types of clays and different styles of clay tiles and formats. Guides and codes of practice etc; British/European standards. Clay tile production. Big production machine-made v hand-made manufacturing.
4.30pm - Recording a vernacular tiled roof
7pm-7.45pm - Dinner

Wednesday 4 June
9am - Setting out for fixed gauge and variable gauge large format clay tiles. Overs and unders, tegulas and imbrex. Hand-made plain tiles v modern machine-made.
Practical - Mortars
4pm-5.30pm - Gauging tiled roofs; battening, setting out a roof for swept laced PMV and lead valleys. Start to tile the rigs using machine-made tiles and/or hand-made tiles.
7pm-7.45pm - Dinner

Thursday 5 June
9am - Tiling the roof using modern and hand-made plain tiles to the four areas to include valleys. Recording the roofs and presenting the findings of the tiled roof recordings.
3.30pm- 4pm - Issue of certificates and depart

General Information


Richard Jordan

Richard Jordan is a specialist in historic roofing who is based in Derbyshire and provides training and advice across the United Kingdom.  An experienced roof slater and tiler, his interest and passion for our built heritage developed whilst working with his father, who was his mentor. 


Residential option available. Find out accommodation costs and how to book here.

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