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Showing 8 of 46 results for glass

  • Teaching glass conservation in Dubrovnik

    Jasmina Vučković is Subject Tutor on the Ceramics and Related Materials pathway for the MA and Graduate Diploma Conservation Studies programmes. Since completing her MA in Conservation Studies at West Dean College in 2010, Jasmina has been working at...

  • When glass meets minimalism: Edward James and his Art Deco glass lamps

    This blog was originally written by MA Conservation Studies students Rose Zhou, Sujin Jung, and Rick Li for the Corning Museum of Glass website. Rose, Sujin, and Rick undertook a five week work placement with The Corning Museum of Glass, working virt...

  • Revisiting historic unrealised stained glass window designs

    At the end of last term, Fine Art students visited the West Dean Archive to see some of the unrealised stained-glass window designs commissioned by College Founder Edward James in the aftermath of the fire that destroyed St Andrew’s church...

  • Short Course tutor profile, Sasha Ward

    When asked I always say that the inspiration for my own glass came from looking at examples of old stained glass. I worked out why certain techniques and design features were used and this enabled me to invent my own way of doing things using modern...

  • Gabriele Beveridge at Seventeen Gallery

    Previous Artist-in-Residence, Gabriele Beveridge is showing new work at Seventeen Gallery in London. The solo exhibition, Live Dead World, include a series of photograpms made by Beveridge during her 2017/18 residency at West Dean College of Arts and...

  • What's looking good in autumn

    Current warm night temperatures and a very odd apocalyptic-coloured sky have graced autumnal months so far at West Dean. This unseasonal weather has kept the gardeners wondering whatever will be next. One doesn't want to bleat about the weather (oh a...

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