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Showing 8 of 148 results for glass

  • The Chelsea ‘Chop’

    Chelsea week is the one time of the year that gardening dominates the airwaves and takes centre stage in the public's mind which is slightly curious because as any "real" gardener knows gardens are an all year round obsession that occupies one's thou...

  • Welcome to West Dean Gardens in May

    April was such a benign month at West Dean, mostly rain-free days and glorious enjoyable sunshine. What a blossomy year so far - I feel as if the garden is garlanded with these magical blooms at present. The pear blossom was magnificent in March and...

  • Spring Fever!

    Well spring has certainly sprung and everything is roaring out of the ground as if its life depended on it, which in a way of course it does. This is a lovely time of the year, full of promise, everything looking fresh in the first flush of its youth...

  • My short course experience: balm for the soul

    By Debby Benjamin, Short Course Student “I treated myself to Jo Dixon’s Mixed Media Class during February half term. I work with children with special educational needs and had finally persuaded my boss to let me run some sort of ar...

  • Anna Chilvers, Writer-In-Residence

    The taxi crunched over the gravel and deposited me in grandeur. I was welcomed and shown to my room. This involved passing snarling lions’ heads in cases, a giraffe’s head high on the wall, red carpeted stairs, glass cases full of stuffed...

  • Press release: Get into the Christmas Spirit at West Dean Gardens

    West Dean Gardens is the perfect destination for an enjoyable family day out during the lead-up to the Festive Season and on Saturday/Sunday 8 - 9 & 15 - 16 December 2018, Father Christmas will be visiting! Each day, between 10am - 4.30pm (last...

  • Press Release: Prepare for a handmade, creative Christmas 2016

    Start preparing for a handcrafted Christmas on a creative short course at West Dean College. Use willow, forged materials or glass gilding to make beautiful handmade gifts for family and friends. Learn calligraphy, printing or silk painting to produc...

  • Press Releases: Summer colours, Short Courses at West Dean College

    Make the most of the summer on a creative Short Course at West Dean College. Your passion or interest can be transformed into a deep and creative learning experience, learning from inspirational tutors and practising professionals. Be inspired by the...