Interior Designer
I chose KLC because of the practical nature of their course. Having completed a degree in architecture a decade ago and having had a feel of the active world. I have realised the near disparity between education and the actual world of employment.
The course was very fast paced and there was the need to catch up quickly in order to be able to make the most of it. I must admit this was not easy task, being a wife and mother of 3. Having the support of tutors, the fantastic course director and welfare team at KLC allowed me to overcome the various barriers that would have no doubt, prevented me from enjoying the course as I should have.
There were inspirational lectures with industry experts grounding the course a little bit more in the reality awaiting us once we are out of the school. I would greatly recommend KLC to all who have an interest in developing a career in Interior Design. However, be ready to give it your all.
The best thing about studying at KLC is mainly the fact of the program putting students in touch with the realities of the career of an Interior Designer. We met real clients and worked on real life projects and had to consider all the constrains that practicing interior designers are faced with.
We also learnt the very important aspect of practice management which a “standard university” would not necessarily incorporate in their curriculum. These in themselves, are great advantages that KLC could boast of over other institutions offering this program of study. The students as a result start their career well equipped with the know-how and expertise of a junior designer.