Search Results for: "Conservation"

Orrery Making with Peter Grimwood

Posted on 29th November 2019

Peter Grimwood is one of just two Orrery makers in the country and he recently spent a day (on November 21st) at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation explaining how to make an Orrery to students.

  • #AskAConservator

    Posted on 12th November 2019

    On November 4 2019, conservators around the world participated in Ask a Conservator day. A day that encourages international collaboration and knowledge exchange. 

    Tutors and students from our School of Conservation tweeted via the College’s Twitter profile to answer questions and share insights into their experiences in the Conservation sector.

  • Conservation of nineteenth century machine-made endbands

    Posted on 24th July 2019

    MA Conservation Studies: Books and Library Materials student Maria Borg, alongside her colleague Nayla Maaruf, worked on the conservation of a Cartes-de-Visite Victorian photo album. Find out more about the project in this blog post.

  • Clocks

    Freedom of Choice

    Posted on 3rd December 2018

    Deciding which course of treatment to take on an object can be a near-impossible task, and even after I've finished working on a clock and it's ticking away happily on a test stand, I'll still be wondering if there was something I should have done slightly differently...

  • Clocks

    Clock Conservation Project: A.Brocot and Delletrez c.1850

    Posted on 28th November 2017

    One of my recent projects is a 19th century French clock signed A.Brocot and Delletrez. I found a description of the mechanism in Chavigny's work on the Brocot family, which revealed that a patent was issued for this mechanism in around 1850 by Antoine Brocot.

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