Resolutions shouldn't be joyless

The New Year naturally lends itself to hope and aspiration, it’s the equivalent to a new school exercise book, unblemished and full of potential. It’s a natural point for reflection and sharply focuses us on what we want for ourselves in the year to come.

Whilst many of us make admirable plans surrounding our physical health or kicking unhelpful habits, we’re not quite as committed to our mental health and creative fulfilment. The expense of a seldom used gym membership feels perhaps more justifiable than immersing ouselves in new creative practices. Is this because resolutions are meant to be hard or act as some form of penance? Whilst our minds might naturally seek regimens to improve bodily health, we know that the research has been done and it says that arts and crafts are also measurably beneficial to our health.

It's easy to be cynical about resolutions, we’ve all made enough to be hesitant about committing to lofty goals or dramatic change. However, our commitments don’t have to be heavy, joyless or puritanical. We might want to commit to finally learning how to throw a pot, or learning an unfamiliar printmaking technique, maybe even blacksmithing!

This glorious hemisphere in which we reside makes the first month of the year a colder and altogether more trying time for self-improvement. It’s certainly a brave month to be giving up alcohol or limiting cheese intake as some encourage. However, in lieu of living in Australia, it might just be the perfect time to slow down and delve into mindful processes. The perfect time to make without the pressure of getting it right. Resolve to embrace imperfection and the ups and downs of learning new skills this year. Lean into the joy of craft and ditch the guilt of long lists.    

So what are your creative goals for 2025? How are you going to prioritise your mental wellbeing this year? 2024 saw West Dean host 852 short courses across a multitude of creative disciplines, it's time to fulfil some resolutions. 

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