Showing 3 of 3 results for Cara Wassenberg
Sculpture from recycled steel and forged metal (SLW33425)
13 to 16 Feb 2025. Challenge yourself to create a sculpture from your found metal objects, assembled with blacksmithing techniques. Learn basic forging and joining processes to produce your own, unique sculpture. Tutors: Cara Wassenberg
Organically inspired sheet metal sculpture (SLW33367)
13 to 16 Mar 2025. Develop your organically inspired design for a sculpture or vessel in sheet metal. Explore a range of sheet metal techniques, including spot and mig welding, riveting and fold forming. Tutors: Cara Wassenberg
Metalworking – creative forming techniques using copper and steel sheet (SSS35455)
8 to 14 Aug 2025. Learn various ways of forming, texturing and joining copper and steel sheet. Using organic shapes and textures as inspiration, you will design and create your own three dimensional open sculptural form. Tutors: Cara Wassenberg